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The Veal Shoulder includes the front leg, neck, and 3 to 4 ribs as well as a small part of the breast cage

Cuts from the shoulder best include: shoulder blade steaks, roast, stew, and the highest quality ground veal. The veal shoulder is greatly known for its great flavour and tenderness.

Please Contact us to confirm availability and pricing


SKU: 0005
  • Call us to inquire for availibility. Orders can be made online.


    Can be purchased as a whole shoulder and cut to your preferance or can purchase special cuts seperatley.


    Best Served: Veal with Bone Stew, Veal Boneless Stew, Veal Roast.


    Veal Shoulder is great with a slow-cooking method such as roasting or braising. This ensures that the tissues are broken down and the meat is tender.



    Note: Pricing above is priced per kilogram (KG)

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